How to Write an Informative Essay – Beginners Guide | British Assignment Writers Blog { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the four steps to writing an informative essay?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Following a specific format for writing an essay is also necessary to submit a well-organised paper. We strongly advise you to use the four-part structure in an informative essay, which includes: • Introduction • Thesis statement • Main body paragraphs • Conclusion" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the format for an informative essay?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The basic structure of an informative essay is very simple. It must have an introduction (the start), a body (the middle part), and a conclusion (the end)." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How many words should an informative essay be?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "If you write too much, your essay will probably be cut off, and too little information may lead readers to believe you aren't truly interested in writing. If no range is specified, stick to 300 – 500 words." } }] }

How to Write an Informative Essay – Beginners Guide

By Peter Justin on Friday, March 4th, 2022 No Comments

An informative essay talks to the audience about a particular issue or concept. Therefore, the writer must have a strong understanding of the topic to compose a solid write-up. While you don’t have to be an exceptional subject expert to do this, you should know the topic or have excellent research skills. It’s also useful to know how to present information concisely.

However, the amount of detail required to write an informative paper may appear daunting. So, you should take a systematic approach when writing an informative essay. So, go on reading to find out how you can do just that!

What is the Purpose of An Informative Essay?

An informative essay provides knowledge on a specific topic. This type of essay usually enlightens readers on a particular subject. The informative essay doesn’t attempt to argue or convince; instead, it simply presents data, facts, and figures. This category includes essays on cause-and-effect, processes, problems, and solutions.

An informative essay also compares and contrasts opposing and controversial perspectives to help the reader better understand the topic. Whatever field you write an essay for should convey in-depth knowledge and fundamental facts to the reader. Shortly, this essay’s purpose is to define a term, make a comparison, and analyse data.

Basic Structure of An Informative Essay

Creating an interesting essay can be difficult, especially when each topic serves a different purpose, requiring diverse information. But, having a clear plan of an informational essay format can assist you in lessening your stress. We have it right here for you. So, let’s delve into the process!

1. Choose the Topic

The first step in composing an informative essay is to pick a topic relevant to the prompt. Do so by brainstorming about the given subject. Now make a list of any ideas that come to mind. Then, select a good topic with plenty of obtainable research.

2. Conduct a Thorough Research

Once you’ve decided on a topic, you must conduct research, a detailed examination of sources to establish factual information on a particular topic.

Use the Internet to locate trustworthy resources published by authorised experts or organisations. Reject resources expressing an opinion on the subject without much evidence. Remember, you are only interested in facts.

3. Take Notes

Make notes of everything relevant. Having too much data is always better than having too little. After all, you can always decide what to include and what to leave out of your essay later. Finally, remember your goal is to inform, so gather data from both sides of an issue.

4. Write a Thesis Statement

Once you’ve selected your essay topic, it’s time to craft a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the core concept of an essay revolving around the entire content. All research and data collection are done with this statement in mind.

Unlike other types of essays, the thesis statement of an informative essay doesn’t include the writer’s point of view. Instead, it only shares a subjective method to the essay’s objective. Usually, students struggle at this stage. Therefore, they prefer to take essay help from the leading writing professionals.

This is the basic structure of an informative essay. Now it’s time to deal with the main writing process.

How to Write an Informative Five Paragraph Essay – The Writing Stage

Your data needs to be organised to make it understandable to the readers.  Writing an informative essay aims to educate readers and help them understand the subject. The purpose is lost if the data is not properly presented and the content is not comprehensible.

The traditional essay outline divides an essay’s material into three sections:

  • Introduction
  • Main body
  • Conclusion

These essay writing steps creates a logical flow of information, gradually leading the audience to the final judgement.

1. Introduction

The introduction is the first segment of the essay. A writer presents the here’s goal and strives to draw the reader’s attention to the content. This section includes:

  • A hook statement to pique the audience’s interest
  • The chosen topic’s historical context
  • The main thesis statements

Writing a good informative essay introduction is essential to the success of your informative essay.

2. Main Body

The body paragraphs contain the main evidence and information about the topic. It also contains findings, evidence, and supporting information for the thesis statement.

When combined, this section contains several paragraphs, providing the audience with useful information. Each body paragraph has a specific point or claim and a description that explains the topic.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion is the final section where the closing statements are presented. It brings the entire discussion to a close.

The final paragraphs of an informative essay must have the following information:

  • Thesis statement rephrased
  • An overview of the key points

The goal of writing a conclusion is to emphasise the importance of the essay and where this information can be implemented.

Informative Essay Introduction Examples

Here are the two examples on different topics that can help you write an intriguing introduction.

Topic: Robots and Human

Robots are different from humans but have always captivated people of all ages. Today’s generation is fascinated with robots and their advancements. Robots have become very common in our daily lives in recent years. They have been created for various purposes, such as completing tasks or entertaining people. They are likely to alter living, work, communication, and entertain us  in the future. It is unclear when, where, or how these changes will occur; however, the fact that they will undoubtedly change our lives is unmistakable.

Topic: Impact of Social Media on Human Life

Social media has a significant impact on our lifestyles. People can now communicate with their family members, friends, and even businesses without exerting too much effort. They can get all the information they need to succeed using social media. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social media sites have become an integral part of human’s daily lives. We spend hours on these platforms. Let’s see how social media impacts our lives:

Usually, students find it difficult to hook the readers’ attention, so they look for academic experts. As a result, you will find many students’ google searches usually include such phrases as “do my assignment.”


1. What are the four steps to writing an informative essay?

Following a specific format for writing an essay is also necessary to submit a well-organised paper. We strongly advise you to use the four-part structure in an informative essay, which includes:

  • Introduction
  • Thesis statement
  • Main body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

2. What is the format for an informative essay?

The basic structure of an informative essay is very simple. It must have an introduction (the start), a body (the middle part), and a conclusion (the end).

3. How many words should an informative essay be?

If you write too much, your essay will probably be cut off, and too little information may lead readers to believe you aren’t truly interested in writing. If no range is specified, stick to 300 – 500 words.

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