How can you elaborate on the term viva voce exam? Define it

PhD Viva Exam—Things You Need To Consider In Advance

By Peter Justin on Wednesday, September 1st, 2021 No Comments

“Firstly, I am not too fond of all theological arguments: they annoy me and are much worse than useless in my views (especially when viva voce).” By Lewis Caroll

The nature of the viva exam is to identify your entire PhD journey, whether you accomplish your academic objectives at the end of your PhD degree or fail. At the same time, your PhD journey usually can be overwhelming thought as imagined. As a consequence, each student needs to prepare themselves as per the situation. Nevertheless, you may not ever be truly ready — Whoopsy and fair warnings!

It all depends on how successfully you wrote your research idea, your research background and your interests. Somehow, it also relies on how your viva examiners take viva, and if the situation is like they go into every page of your thesis and slide to the crucial segments of your research and many other considerations, what would you do at that time? You need to be more observant in such situations as well as prepare for the rapid-fire. Finally, most of this affects the question’s understandings and examiners views about your research and then you’ll get the deliberations you may undertake.

Usually, students are not well prepared even before the day of the viva, and they tend to assume several things in their minds, which leads them to not perform well on the day of their viva. But you need to hang tight even more from different perspectives when it comes to oral prep.

We are here with the sample process guide that helps you keep your composure easy. So, like as stated previously, you rarely know what comes up in a viva. And even though this is a true picture of the schedule. However, there are six numerous “categories” of queries you can study in advance since I assurance that at least one of these occurs in your viva and the vivas of everyone else around you.

What is a Viva Voce?

Before starting this, I told the viva story of my PhD programme,’ I remember that I was shaky as I stood there, thinking of my supervisor, who was on the other side of that gate. I had thrown in endless hours on my Doctorate programme plus spent many years refining my linguistic skills, everything in anticipation for this one present time: the viva voce exam. Then the door swung open as well as the chairman of the committee stated, “We all are waiting for you, though”. While I patiently waited to start my instance, again the chairman of the committee said, “We are waiting.” I walked into the doorway, took a deep breath, and then enter the room.’

Furthermore, a viva oral exam, often referred to as a viva, is an oral preliminary exam scheduled for the end of the Doctoral program. It is composed of an internally and externally panel of supervisors who look over your research &, in essence, determine either you passed or failed your PhD. Viva is a type of interview, and it can be conducted in a variety of different ways. The viva can sometimes be accessible to the public, implying that anyone curious is welcome to join. However, they are closed in some cases, indicating that a board of supervisors is the only one present in some cases.

Internal evaluation (a skilled team of supervisors present at the time of your topic defense day); however, an external evaluation (generally 2 to 3 individuals who do have expert knowledge in your restraint but with that, you are associated) is usually associated used in these circumstances.

A viva voce examination lasts between 1 to 3 hours long and consists of a set of questions on your thesis recently filed. Before starting with a viva, each examiner has to read your complete thesis and generate a set of questions accordingly. Then, you have to efficiently respond to these questions asked by the examiner to pass your viva exam.

Which are the Things Required While Preparing for Viva Voce?

A viva exam is similar to the general audition. Although you can’t foresee each query that’ll be asked of you, you can practice giving your best foot ahead right away.

Analyze the Flaws in Your PhD Thesis

 Let’s admit it, coming up with an ideal research paper is not an easy task. Restrictions are inevitable. Although you must justify choosing the methodology you selected, these limitations are unavoidable in the research process. Usually, you can seek support from your supervisor. It can be extremely advantageous. They might also have suggestions for what types of questions the examiners can ask.

In contrast to the weaknesses, it’s essential to be able to explain your approach wisely. So, you need to maintain a questioner that gives you feedback and review about your research topics during your PhD thesis. Try to not rely entirely on the current situation (for instance, COVID-19 could be a viable alternative, but is there anything out of the box?). Instead, evaluate your research ideas pros and cons and apply this information to justify your conclusions.

Beforehand What Put On

Although you would not accept that clothing is an important aspect of both the viva and impression, you need to think over this. Wear professional attire that is also comfortable for men, and usually, it’s a collared shirt. However, a jacket and tie are also quite popular. Wear a skirt or pants with a sweater, shirt, or suit jacket for ladies. Carry professional – but comfy – shoes in all circumstances. There is nothing more irritating than developing a blistering while trying to focus on your presentation! Of course, different nations have different standards, but in principle, you must appear as if you were going to the job interview because the first impression is the last.

Things to Keep In Mind

Before the viva examination, students will most likely be provided with a standard about who their examiners would be. This information could be extremely helpful. Take a glance just at documents that each one of these people can ask questions as a first step. It would be best to discover what they think is interesting and provoke about the latest recent publications.

Moreover, you need to reference any one of recent work in your PhD thesis, and you could be able to mention it in your oral exam to demonstrate that you be knowledgeable and have linked your work with the work of many other excellent scholars (like your examiners). But, of course, that’s never a negative thing to receive a very little complement.

Tips for Viva Voce Examination

Some common tips for viva voce exam that help you in many circumstances and situations for your oral exam. Here are some that are given below.

1. Relax and take a deep breath

Getting yourself up could make the matter worse, keeping you from resting and getting you ill? So instead, find a way to relax through meditation, jogging, relaxation, and even playing computer games. Find something to maintain you relaxed in the days (or perhaps even months) leading up to your viva.

2. Have a good time

It’s a strange purgatory time before presenting your thesis and the day of your presentation. It’s difficult to get caught up in the hype and think that you need to constantly revise. You must’ve had fun, or you become tired well before the exam. You would like to begin a day off fresh, so have little fun (perhaps with those friends you’ve been ignoring).

3. Put confidence in yourself

I know how difficult it is to question your abilities, particularly if your PhD student has not been all rainbows and sunshine yet. Yet, bear in mind that you’ve spent the last few years researching, composing, and finishing your thesis. Recall that you may be the specialist; you need to realize your stuff.

4. Deal with the situation with such a positive state of mind.

Do not even conceive of the examiners as sadistic tormentors who like distressing you. They want you to win. If you go in thinking they want you to lose, you’ll be more frightened and protective, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. Rather, imagine your examiner as an individual who is genuinely engaged over what you’ve achieved.

5. Go thru your thesis with a fine-tooth comb.

You would like to make sure your research is memorable after spent the last several years doing it and last whatever long writing it up. It is particularly true if there’s been a long period before completing your thesis and sitting the exam. Of course, you shouldn’t have to (and likely shouldn’t) study it every other day until the viva, but you need to review it several times before the test.

6. Know the Laws

Each university is unique; many only have two exams, and others have an organizer. So you may well be expected to plan a presentation to deliver well before viva in some universities (this was the case for me, and I found it great preparation for the exam).

How Long Is A PhD Viva Voce Examination?

A viva voce test has not set a length but must take at least one to four hours long. A longer viva often does not indicate problems with your thesis; it could simply mean that examiners appreciate the discussion. A shorter viva, on either hand, may indicate if your supervisors are satisfied with your thesis and responses to their questions.

The viva’s main objective is to highlight that your work is distinctive (i.e. not plagiarized). It is important because one of the criteria for a PhD viva voce examination is to make a significant new addition in understanding. Therefore, examiners can indeed be confident with your research if you explain it with them directly and confirm that you know it completely.

A Nursing Viva Exam Is Different

The clinical case report is often used as a viva voce or viva component during medical and educational environments. But, first, the analysis to evaluate the novice patient’s knowledge and understanding.

A nursing viva exam is an oral investigation technique that requires a novice to present a detailed clinical report to the panel of experts, who would then interrogate the beginner in detail on the report? Allied health care educational programmes include professional nursing programmes and graduate programmes. The viva is an important laboratory assessment. The rigour and reliability of this kind of exam have long been recognized, with viva being known to give each evidence.

How to Do an Online Viva Exam?

Several educational institutes and universities have utilized a platform to conduct standardized tests online. We recently introduced a feature that allows you to perform an online viva voce examination. Students attend the viva using a computer, laptop, or smartphone. Examiners are provided with a password to make zoom meetings and grading marks for each student’s response. Unfortunately, academic exam administration became a difficult task in the modern age of social estrangement. You can design the online viva exam and ask that students were taking it online. Then, people can study the online assessment using their cell device and speaker.


Writing a PhD thesis and give viva on behalf of this is quite typical for students. Because all of the requirements must cater to the higher institution’s information, somehow, It’s important to note that educational grounds are not usually reasons for appealing. Throughout most instances, the judgment of your examiner is enforceable. It’s pretty difficult to challenge a PhD result if you submit with your superintendent’s permission and if you’ve rejected their advice at other times in the project. On the other hand, if you really can show that you would be not properly advised or supervised, you may well have grounds for appeal. Students are likely to take help from online resources. Usually, they assist your mental approach by helping you with the proposal of “do my assignment” techniques as they can take instructions from you and make a realistic thesis from their experts.

Moreover, it’s better to consider help from your advisor or any online writing service company in any circumstances. Thus, if you need any assistance regarding your thesis topic or other writing assistance, our assignment writers are ready to help you at any time.

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