British Education Students, Teachers, And Methodology - British Assignment Writers Blog

British Education Students, Teachers, And Methodology

By British Assignment Writers on Saturday, June 9th, 2018 No Comments

The stratosphere of academia is such where the cultivation of change is inevitable, as each student is a different individual and thus emerges the need to curate and set into place teaching styles that can cater to the rising number of students that are entering their academic tenure. The UK in particular deals with students from across the globe, it deals with students with different understandings, different backgrounds, and different sensibilities. Therefore, in order to match up to this swelling cocoon of individuals, the imbuement of different teaching styles are necessary in order to truly disseminate quality education to each student receiving it. Moreover, with the advent of the digital scope, the fabric of education has also reformed, it has evolved and taken a shape which is aligned with the needs of this digital age. However, despite the evolution of teaching methods, students still experience crumbling motivation levels, debilitating energy and drained creative and innovative capacity. Therefore, in order fuel the charge for their performance, students should take the pragmatic decision of utilising an Assignment Writer. As this personnel is equipped with a wide breadth of knowledge pertaining to any subject matter, they can deliver work right on the mentioned deadline, and they can align the mentioned specifications with the narrative when constructing the assignment. As a consequence, once a student employs the help of a reliable and dependable assignment writing service, they should be sure of the fact that they shall receive an impeccable academic paper, comprising of every detail required by them.

The Authority Style: This teaching style accommodates those students who acquire knowledge by listening. In this particular style, the teacher directs the whole mass of activities that take place around the classroom, they present one-way presentations or lengthy lectures which don’t demand a response. The role that a student plays in such a situation is to listen intently, jot down notes and then follow through on the instructions being imparted by the teacher. This type of teaching is excellent for subjects that comprise of facts and dates, as these pieces of information can’t actually be taught in an inventive manner, rather they need to be drilled and embedded deep into the layers of cognitive memory.

The Coach Style: The core essence of this teaching style holds the teacher in power of leading the classroom, however, there is a slight change in the demonstration of the information, this style includes the use of multimedia presentations and other exercises that break the barrier of dreariness that surrounds the ‘authority teaching style’. This style is a bit detached from the authoritative style, however, it doesn’t quite accommodate students in a larger classroom setting, causing them to miss out on information.

The Facilitator Style: This style is a departure from the above-mentioned methods, this style encourages and pushes the student to self-learn, ask questions, critically analyse matters and explore different components of a particular subject matter. The teacher basically plays the role of a facilitator, they merely steer the student towards logical and reasoned conclusions by asking them challenging and stimulating questions. This facilitates the student to have opinions and shed their myopic viewing vantage point, owing to the discussions and conversations that take place in such classrooms.

On the whole, each teaching style appeals to a different student, thus educational institutions situated across the UK should aim to imbibe a teaching style such as a hybrid teaching style, as it is an amalgamation of different techniques that aim to flourish and nourish the academic performance of a student.

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