5 Tips How Can You Avoid Plagiarism While Writing Your Assignment? - British Assignment Writers Blog

5 Tips How Can You Avoid Plagiarism While Writing Your Assignment?

By perry on Friday, March 15th, 2019 No Comments

Submitting a plagiarized paper can instantly result in the deduction of the grade. The repercussions of this crime are vastly intense. Many professors assign students with a failed grade on the submission of a plagiarized assignment. Thus, it is essential for students to perform the task of assignment writing with utmost originality.

Plagiarism in writing can occur either consciously or unconsciously. In many occasions, students directly copy the works of others and integrate it into their writing. This category of plagiarism can easily be avoided. In the case of the latter, students can follow the ensuing steps:

: The unconscious form of plagiarism usually occurs when individuals use similar words as the referenced article. This action is automatically detected by a plagiarism software program, thus landing the student’s assignment on a hot plate. To fully avoid, students can hire the professional expertise offered by an essay writing service. The experts at these facilities have vast experience in the field of writing. Thus they can manipulate words and formulate sentences which are completely original. Entrusting these services is especially beneficial when students have to write assignments using precise information. As these assignments cannot be paraphrased, the involvement of a professional is necessary.

    • Paraphrase sentences: While writing an assignment

It is crucial for students to paraphrase the gathered information. Students can play with the sentence structure along with the words used in the written statements. Essentially, it is expedient for students to create original sentences, which are concise while simultaneously offering detailed information. In an attempt to avoid plagiarism, it is important to remember the two-word rule. When directly copying the verbatim of a sentence, students must avoid using more than two words of the same sentence. The presence of these words can instantly alert the plagiarism software regarding the copied content.

    • Use synonyms: Parallel to paraphrasing

The use of synonyms can also reduce the similarity of the content. As stated earlier, the use of innovative sentences is recommended. However, in case the sentence has to be copied, using a synonym can be helpful. Fundamentally, when students use synonyms, it is important to use words that fit with the context of the statement. For instance, using the word ‘sheet’ in the statement, ‘submit your paper,’ (to replace ‘paper’) can change the meaning of the entire sentence. Hence, it is crucial for students to use the analogy in the accurate places properly.

    • Gather an understanding of the subject before writing:

To write a fully comprehensive paper, it is essential for students to thoroughly educate themselves on the subject matter before initiating the writing process. Students can start by gathering all the information and learning it effectively. Following from this, individuals can create their sentences which will occur to them naturally. Another technique for original writing can be to use multiple referencing sources. By consulting various sources, students can include detailed information while simultaneously avoiding plagiarism. Furthermore, this approach to original writing can create a smooth flow between the transitional statements and paragraphs.

    • Use a plagiarism software program:

The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to think about it after the conclusion of the paper. First, students can write a detailed assignment, which is concluded with precise accuracy. Next, students can run their paper against the database of a well-known plagiarism detection software. By using this program, the students will be made aware of all the aspects of copied content included in their paper. Fundamentally, this content can be edited or altered until a state of complete originality is attained. Individuals can select a software program based on their price packages. Either free services can be attained, or students can subscribe to the services of a reliable plagiarism software program. The latter is recommended for students as it reduces the risk of assignment theft.

    • Insert citations: Fundamentally

, plagiarism can also be reduced by giving credits to the original authors. To do this, individuals are required to insert in-text citations which will create a link to the source. This way, the detection software will exclude the line in which the citation is inserted.

    • Add a page of references:

In addition to inserting in-text citations, it is vital for students to add a page of references or bibliography after the conclusion of the assignment. This page creates a list of all the referred sources, which allows the plagiarism detection software program not to consider the text related to that particular source.

It is extremely important for students to submit an assignment which is free from all forms of copied content. Ergo, students must run their papers against a database of billions of assignments, using a standard yet reliable plagiarism software program. By this means, individuals can detect the errors present in the pages and make conscious efforts to remove any hints of a copied content.

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